
Olliolli 1.0
Olliolli 1.0

  3. #OLLIOLLI 1.0 PC#

Hell Let Loose is a beauty of a game for being from a fresh studio. Graphics & Audio Aiming down the battlefield is so smooth. Returning fire is a matter of calculated precision as well, as most of the starter rifles are bolt-action and you rarely get a second shot. Suppression is also another major mechanic that can have you ducking for cover for longer than most would like. Also no hit markers so it’s not always clear if you got your target. While you are alive there is a minimal indication of where you are hit from. I found this to be a bit of a point of frustration when attempting to push forward – having no idea where the enemy is. There’s also no indication of from where. Firstly, when you die there is zero indication whatsoever of who/what/how killed you. Hell Let Loose has several mechanics that set it apart from other first-person-shooter games. The commander role has its own unique actions to support your faction. After progressing to level 10, you can even be the commander. There are also armour-oriented roles to play. Or be a recon trying to get a look ahead at the next objective or watch for the inevitable flank. Become a rifleman, support, or frontline role with your squad in the trenches. Hell Let Loose has a pure focus on large-scale, realistic warfare. There is no single-player campaign, so no story to dive into here. The main focus in Hell Let Loose is the same as almost any other multiplayer game – complete the objectives for your team. But the loadouts themselves are static with set weapons and equipment. Each role has two to four loadouts that you can unlock by progressing that individual role. This is a major area where Hell Let Loose differs from other mainstream FPS games around: you can’t customize your loadout per se and there are no weapon skins. You can change their head, uniform, and helmet – unlocked via progressing by rank or by role type. A look at the main menu.īarracks is for customizing the look of your soldier. There are currently two game modes – Warfare or Offensive, basically a tug of war mode vs an offence/defence mode. Here are the ins and outs such as game modes, objective types, and game mechanics.


The Field Manual menu is the guide for all things Hell Let Loose. Enlist is where you go to get your hands dirty, bring up the list of active servers and saved favourites. Upon logging into Hell Let Loose, there are six options in the main menu: Enlist, Barracks, Field Manual, Options, Credits, and Quit. Needless to say, I simply had no idea of the unforgiving warfare I was about to partake in! Hell Let Loose was previously reviewed here on Thumb Culture during its late Early Access. I was eager to take a look at a game leaning more toward the Mil-sim genre of realism after many years of factional fps games.

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Hell Let Loose originally hit the Steam store for Early Access back in June of 2019. PREPARE FOR THE BRUTAL, REALISTIC PAIN OF WAR IN HELL LET LOOSE

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Black Matter Studios has announced plans to port the game to the latest Xbox and PlayStation platforms as well.

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Originally developed for PC in Unreal Engine 4 and is available for purchase on Steam. Other titles in the World War 2 setting simply don’t compare to the simulation of war brought forth by Hell Let Loose. There is also a resource-based meta-game. These consist of infantry, armour and strategy. It prides itself in being a realistic multiplayer shooter, with open 50 vs 50 battles. A hardcore, first-person shooter set in World War 2, Hell Let Loose is the flagship game of developer Black Matter Studio and published by Team17.


On Tuesday, July 29th Hell Let Loose rolled out of Early Access and into its 1.0 release with its Update 10.

Olliolli 1.0